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Heart to Heart Hugs

Writer's picture: Curious CreatorsCurious Creators

Updated: Jul 9, 2021

Are you aware of how you hug someone?

Let me start with - I never was.

A life time ago our wild flower Emilie was to depart Australia for an overseas journey of discovery, therefore a reunion of sisters was arranged. We met at our chosen hub at the time: The Living Timbre based in the Wyong shire, surrounded by plants, a brotherly presence of a salubrious drummer, guitarist and a boss black cat named Stephen. I can not recall the intimate details of the entire meeting apart from this profound awakening that unbeknownst to me at the time, would change the way I hug for the rest of my life.

I skipped past the rustic handmade pallet counter, with twinkle lights and grandpa’s beard in my peripherals, straight to the sister I had dearly missed in physical absence of a mere week, not knowing how I would say goodbye for months. She was as beautiful as rain through the sunshine, I opened my arms with a toothy smile and lent in for a big juicy hug....only to be gently disrupted, by the sister herself! It was a normal hug for me, second nature, (I love touch), I’ve never not been a hugger, besides those times I was forced to say goodbye to the long distant relatives or family friends I barely knew as a child - Thanks Mum...

Anyway, I immediately thought something was wrong as Emilie paused for a very short moment, but then looked into my eyes and softly whispered “let’s hug this way, heart to heart” as these gentle words rang crystal clear to my soul, she let her body guide mine into changing position and angle for our hearts to be aligned, mirrored, touching, high-fiving in perfect harmony and loving vibration for the whole duration of our hug. The realisation I received in a matter of 30 seconds started to run rampage, I needed more. Why have I never done this, and more importantly why does this feel so bloody foreign!!? We swayed in hugging harmony for some time completely surrendering, I could feel a warm buzzing through my heart space as 2-3 tears of joy danced out of my eyes. After feeling my internal eruption in questioning why I’ve been missing out on this glorious union of heart space, Emilie spoke, “We’ve been conditioned to hug the other way”.

Even so, this one hug from my sister has made an ever lasting positive impact on my hug language and I have intentionally given heart to heart hugs ever since. I can’t recommend you try it for yourself enough. You just may be amazed at how odd it feels at first to hug on the opposite side, but trust me, this feeling disappears quite quickly. The opposed huger will also thank you for it.

Heart to heart hugs amplify connection and naturally last longer with powerful benefits in heart strength and your emotional body centres. Studies have shown the human heart is the most powerful generator of electromagnetic energy in the body, in other words, our heart vibrates energy out into the universe the loudest & is about 60 times greater in strength than the energy field generated by the brain.

Another study has shown that a mother’s heart waves reacts simultaneously to her infants brain waves. Our hearts talk to each other and every other part of us as well, and its vibrations alter depending on the hearts around us. With the magic magnetic field emitting out of our bodies in around an 8-10 ft radius and in intentional cases, as far as one wishes to send it.

Love is more than just an emotion, our heart is more than just a organ. The more we tune into the energy and love power of our heart, the more connected, supported and healed we are... which to me is pretty special in a world full of right sided hugs. Blessings, love and the highest light to you all.. Sam xx


Below are some insightful links to heart space studies and the true power of our heart!

1 Comment

Darlene Conrad
Darlene Conrad
Sep 06, 2019

Thank you 💜✌

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